I was MADE for this industry. Thanks to compliments on my makeup from strangers and friends alike, I decided to get into the makeup industry. I've always had a passion for makeup, especially eye shadows. A friend asked "why don't you just do makeup". I guess because I never gave it much thought. I just did it for me - for fun.
Just to give you a little background about me: After studying Criminal Justice, I enrolled in Cosmetology school where I obtained my license for my first passion - hair. Worked in salons here and there but I never got the clientele that I desired, I guess because I worked full-time as a legal assistant, it was hard for me to focus on hair. I lost the passion for hair but found a new love when I moved to Atlanta. Still with perseverance I gave the hair industry another chance. I enrolled in hair school AGAIN to complete my hours for Georgia's requirements. I started working in a salon/barbershop until a promising job fell thru. Don't get me wrong, there is money in the hair industry but its a tough world out here when they put you in the front chair, like ya boy on Barbershop, and everyone is thinking "Uhn uhhh, she aint touching my hair; I don't know her like that" Okay its really not like that but you have to have that hustle inside to get clientele and you have to put yourself out there. #notinterested.
So I start researching and soul searching and found that I could make more money without standing on my feet for a couple hours, just to turn around and give the owner %30 of what I made that day. I could simply transform blemishes to beauty within an hour and send my client out with a blushing, pinkberry smile.
Doors keep opening and Ive made so many connects within 3 months. I started my own makeup line, I'm currently working on a short film, and working on some upcoming fashion shows. I look forward to exploring what this industry has to offer. I'm ready, I was made for it.