Okay so have you ever experienced a cycle in your life and you JUST noticed it when things go wrong? No, ladies not that cycle. There's something about the 6th month in the year that requires change. There's a shift in the Universe, in the atmosphere and the funny thing is that I felt it a month ago. I wasn't sure what it was, why I felt that way or what was about to take place, but I knew it was on its way. There were things and people that Ive prayed about to be removed from my life, and when the inevitable happened, I unconsciously tried to hold on to it. I realize that God is a God of "suddenlies". Things that may have taken months or years are happening in days and hours if you stay faithful to who the Source is and what the Source can do for you.
So yeah, I realized today that a shift is taken place in my life, and I realized why. On June 29, 2007, I left an unhealthy relationship, so unhealthy that I became dangerous [please forgive me, I do have a bad temper, but I'm working on that]. The very next day my sister[unbeknownst to her about the day before] called me and pleaded with me to move to Atlanta. She explained that it was a difference environment and she thought that I would like it here. I told her that I would think about it. At the same time I was reading a book by J.D. Jakes called "Disposition Yourself". Honestly, I didn't get to finish it, but the gist of it was that you have to put yourself in an uncomfortable position to be in the right place at the right time to become a better person. I thought about it, read a little bit more, talked to my loved ones about it, and once I got their blessings, I was on the Turnpike heading North to Atlanta. This has been the best move Ive ever made in life. I gave myself a year to move out of my sister's house. Check. Found a great job. Check. Changed my circle of friends/associates. Check. And purchase my fist home. Check.
Although I was nervous, not knowing what the outcome would be, I stepped out on faith and made it through.
Now 3 years later [not sure what happened in the meantime in between time] but here I am today shifting into another dimension of my life and I'm perfectly okay with that. I ended another relationship that was filled with violations from the very start. I gave it a chance because I thought I was doing the right thing until I really got to know him...I wasn't as interested anymore, but I felt needed so I stayed. But in the end was it worth it? Absolutely not and that's another lesson learned. I'm grateful that I didn't lose myself, I'm ever evolving and I love that about me.
I do believe that everything happens at the perfect time under Heaven's net; the Universe's changes and puts things in place at the right time for the right season. I trust that something grand is going to happen in my life [there are some things that I am currently working on, a private label cosmetic line to be exact] and I think that the Universe is making changes to that the right people can be in my life at the right time. I love the way the Spirit moves.
The Meaning of Numbers:The number 6 / Month of June - it is the number of imperfection; the human number; the number of man as destitute of God.
The Six Virtues of Hinduism
1) Tranquility: peace of mind, or contentment is a foundation on which the other practices can rest.
2) Training: Training of the senses means the responsible use of the senses in positive, useful directions, both in our actions in the world and the nature of inner thoughts we cultivate.
3) Withdrawal: With a proper inner attitude of tranquility, and the training of the senses, there also comes a sense of satiety, or natural sense of completeness, as if no more of the sensory experience need be sought.
4) Forbearance: Forbearance and tolerance of external situations allow one to be free from the onslaught of the sensory stimuli and pressures from others to participate in actions, speech, or thoughts that one knows to be going in a not-useful direction.
5) Faith: An intense sense of certainty about the direction one is going keeps one going in the right direction, persisting in following the teachings and practices that have been examined and seen to be productive, useful, and fruit bearing.
6) Focus: Resolute focus towards harmonizing and balancing of mind, its thoughts, and emotions, along with the other virtues, brings a freedom to pursue the depth of inner exploration and realization.
The number 3 - Three stands for that which is solid, real, substantial, complete, and entire.